Maria Goretti Parish was established by the Most Reverend J. Carrol McCormick D.D., Bishop of Scranton, on September 17,1967. It is located in the Borough of Laflin, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, and presently has a membership of about 850 families. For ten years Mass was celebrated in the chapel of the Oblates of St. Joseph Seminary which is located nearby. Under the leadership and direction of Monsignor Philip A. Gray, the fourth pastor, the church of St. Maria Goretti was built. On Sunday, November 13, 1977, the church was dedicated. The Most Reverend James C. Timlin, D.D., V.G. Auxiliary Bishop of Scranton officiated at the laying of the cornerstone, and the Solemn Blessing of the church. He was the principal celebrant of the Pontifical Mass which followed. The Reverend Harry Lewis, the first pastor, was the homilist. In attendance at the Mass were five nieces of St. Maria Goretti from the United States. The last living sister of Saint Maria Goretti was in a convent in Italy, but was unable to attend because of ill health. A grotto of Saint Maria Goretti is located to the right of the entrance to the church.
Prayer to St. Maria Goretti
Little Saint,
and true child of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
you were so young but so very strong in resisting a cruel tempter
and preferring to die a martyr.
How greatly we need you today-when
Chastity is discarded and morality is betrayed.
Be our model and intercessor before God,
So that he may hear our plea for guidance.
Multiply faithful children of Mary,
And bring us safely to the throne of her Son,
who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, etc.