St. Maria Goretti, your devotion to God and Mary was so strong that you were able to offer your life rather than lose your virginal purity. Help all of us, beset by so many temptations in this modern world, to imitate your youthful example. Intercede for us all, especially youth, that God may give us the courage and strength we need, to avoid anything that could offend Him or stain our souls. Obtain for us from our Lord victory in temptation, comfort in the sorrows of life and the grace which we sincerely ask of you (insert daily intention). May we one day enjoy with you the everlasting glory of Heaven. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, etc.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, be my Love! Immaculate heart of Mary, be my salvation!
St. Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us!
Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
The Nine Day Novena To St. Maria Goretti
“…..there stands out above everything else her purity..."
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Let Us Pray
St. Maria Goretti, you valued your purity above all else, and for it, died a martyr's death. Grant that I may also love this virtue. When I am young and temptations are mostly physical, help me to keep a pure mind and body. As I grow older, help me to continue to keep my mind pure and clean, and open to the suffering of others. When I have grown old, remind me that purity is a lifetime virtue and I must always look for goodness in others. Teach me to always remain loyal to God, to my neighbor and to myself When I forget, inspire me by your demonstrated love for others.
Meditation: First Joyful Mystery, The Annunciation.
Mary, a virgin, was startled by the appearance of the Angel Gabriel, and even more startled by the announcement that she was with child. Yet she accepted the news joyfully and totally committed herself to God's service, fully realizing the consequences that might befall her among her people.
You, too, Maria Goretti, realized the joy of receiving Jesus into your heart in the Holy Eucharist and learned that this brings with it the obligation to totally commit yourself to obey His commandments, even if sorrow or death may result.
One Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be, followed by the Daily Novena Prayer to St. Maria Goretti.
“..we see (in her life) a tender and docile love for her parents which was at the same time practical and obedient..."
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Let Us Pray
St. Maria Goretti, model of obedience to your parents, teach me to imitate you. Selfishness and pride will keep me from being obedient to God and to my parents. Help me to overcome these faults. I pray that God will keep my parents close to Him so they may guide my love. Help me when I am a parent and a grandparent to know that if I want obedient children, I must show them by example how to obey God as you did.
Meditation: Second Joyful Mystery, The Visitation.
Mary hurried to share with her cousin, Elizabeth her joy at the news that she would be the Mother of God. Elizabeth was also pregnant, even though she was far beyond the normal childbearing age. What happiness must have radiated as they hugged each other that day.
St. Maria Goretti, you, too, experienced great joy as you learned about Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist as you were preparing to receive Him for the first time. Just like Mary you could not contain your joy when you finally received Him. You shared this joy with your family, friends and neighbors. just as Mary's physical condition assured her and Elizabeth that they would meet God face to face in nine months, so, too, was the reception of Christ in the Eucharist your assurance, as it should be ours, of that ultimate meeting with Him in eternity.
One Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be, followed by the Daily Novena Prayer to St. Maria Goretti.
“...there was the sacrifice she made in her difficult daily work..."
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Let Us Pray
St. Maria Goretti, you were ready for martyrdom because you practiced self-denial. Teach me to love Jesus and His Blessed Mother. Help me to learn to make sacrifices when I am young so that I can say "no" to little temptations, thereby, making it possible, when more serious temptations arise, to keep saying "no". Help me as I mature to always practice this virtue so that I may safeguard my body and soul. When I grow old, may I continue to practice self-denial so that my old age may be a model of acceptance and continuing spiritual growth. Help me to be sincere in every way so that I may follow you and gain heaven for all eternity.
Meditation: Third Joyful Mystery, Birth of Our Lord.
Jesus entered this world from the womb of His mother, Mary, as a helpless baby totally dependent on the care and protection of His parents. Here was God, subjecting Himself to two of His creatures. His birth took place in a stable, a shelter for housing farm animals. These surroundings were hardly suitable for the King of the Universe, but the only accommodations available in Bethlehem that night. God's confidence in Mary and Joseph was not misplaced. They made the baby Jesus as comfortable as they could and provided for His needs.
Just like Mary and Joseph, Maria's parents showed their love and concern for their children. In spite of the poverty and hardships her parents endured, they never shirked their responsibility of raising their children according to the will of God.
One Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be, followed by the Daily Novena Prayer to St. Maria Goretti.
“...there was that evangelical poverty to which she freely submitted..."
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Let Us Pray
St. Maria Goretti, you spent your life in the filth of the marshes and at the age of ten, put away your childhood to accept the role of keeping a home to help your poor mother and family. May your example teach me to be grateful to God for all He has given me and help me to accept the inconveniences that He wills, no matter how difficult or humiliating they may be. When I awake each morning, remind me to show my gratitude to God by thanking Him for allowing me to live through the night, and offering to Him all my thoughts, words and deeds during the day for His greater honor and glory.
Meditation: Fourth Joyful Mystery, The Presentation.
In obedience to the Mosaic Law, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple to consecrate Him to God. The witnesses to this event, Simeon and Anna, praised Jesus and predicted he would accomplish great things. How proud these words of praise must have made the parents of Jesus feel. Yet that proud moment was clouded by the prediction of Simeon. He predicted Mary would have to endure great sorrow because of what Jesus would have to do.
St. Maria, there were many moments in your life when you made your parents justly proud of you. They met their obligation as Catholic parents by teaching you about the faith, the value of prayer and the importance of staying close to God. You responded by being obedient and faithful. Still at the end, just as Mary did at the foot of the Cross, your mother had to experience great sorrow as she sat helplessly at your bedside watching you die.
One Our Father, ten Rail Marys and one Glory Be, followed by the Daily Novena Prayer to St. Maria Goretti.
“...she was sustained by her confidence in heavenly providence..."
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Let Us Pray
St. Maria Goretti you had to flee from your assassin as one would flee a plague. Yet, through your faith in God, you found the strength to resist the advances and withstand the suffering inflicted on you by your murderer. Please help me to realize, especially when I am apt to lose hope and heart altogether, that I, too, can receive this strength from God. Let me understand that God gives and takes away for my soul's sake. Teach me to be trustful in the hour of need, patient in the hour of disappointment, and tranquil in the hour of trial. Pray for me that my faith in God may be strengthened.
Meditation: Fifth Joyful Mystery, Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple.
Joseph and Mary were fearful for the safety of Jesus when their search for Him was unsuccessful. After they found Him in the Temple conversing with the teachers, the fears of His parents were allayed. Yet acting like responsible parents would, they wanted to know the reasons for His actions. Although they did not understand His answer, they accepted it and the three of them returned to Nazareth. There, Jesus was obedient to them. He grew steadily in wisdom, age and grace.
St. Maria Goretti, you and your family experienced hardship and uncertainty after the death of your father. Yet you cheerfully accepted the responsibility of performing the many tasks around the home thereby allowing your mother to work in the fields. In this role, your gifts of character became more visible and like Jesus, you advanced in wisdom, age and grace.
One Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be, followed by the Daily Novena Prayer to St. Maria Goretti.
“..there was her family which she loved very much and prayed with daily...”
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Let Us Pray
St. Maria Goretti, your parents, despite the poverty and hardship they experienced, were devoted to each other and their children and faithful to their religious obligations. Through their efforts you and your brothers and sisters learned to look after each other's needs and to share your love and concern for each other. This family unity grew and was strengthened by the insistence of your mother and father that they pray together daily. May the example of your parents inspire parents everywhere to become personally involved in the spiritual formation of their children and teach them the importance of knowing and obeying God's commandments as well as the value of prayer. Help the children and young people to willingly learn from their parents those virtues, Maria, that characterized your life. Help us to understand that only through this kind of cooperative effort can a strong and harmonious God-centered family life result.
Meditation: First Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection.
Jesus' resurrection from the dead proved his claim that He was the Son of God. Death, that fact of life, which all human beings must eventually face, had no hold over Him. His resurrection should tell each of us that we, too, can overcome death and attain life everlasting. We only have to place our complete trust in Jesus, faithfully follow his teachings and avail ourselves of the sacraments which He entrusted to His Church.
The life of Maria Goretti offers each of us a beautiful example of the fulfillment of Jesus' promise. She chose death rather than offend God by sin.
One Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be, followed by the Daily Novena Prayer to St. Maria Goretti.
“..there was her ardent longing to receive Jesus in the Eucharist..."
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Let Us Pray
St. Maria Goretti, your desire to receive Jesus in the Eucharist was so strong, that you anxiously awaited His coming each day for eleven months as you diligently prepared for your first Holy Communion.
Maria, may your love for this sacrament instill in me that same strong desire to receive the Holy Eucharist as frequently as possible. Never allow me to take this sacrament for granted. Pray that I might always strive to properly prepare myself for this sacrament, so that my heart will be ready to receive Jesus. Help me to understand that from a love of the Eucharist, I can expect to find the strength to overcome daily temptations, obtain refreshment and peace from my troubles and confidence in His presence at the time of my death.
Meditation: Second Glorious Mystery, The Ascension.
Jesus returned to God the Father after perfectly carrying out His earthly assignment. How pleased the Father was with the accomplishments of the Son. God wishes that each of His creatures will ultimately be united with Him in Heaven. This eternal union can be attained by faithfully following the teachings of Jesus.
The life of Maria Goretti is ample proof of this. The crown of sainthood was her reward because her love for God and His commandments was uncompromising.
One Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be, followed by the Daily Novena Prayer to St. Maria Goretti.
" the crown of her charity, there was the heroic pardon granted to the man who murdered her..."
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Let Us Pray
St. Maria Goretti, before you died, you endured many hours of intense pain and suffering from the stabbings inflicted upon you by your assailant, Alessandro. Yet, not once did your lips utter any words of bitterness or resentment against him. Finally, when it came time to surrender that most precious gift of all, life itself, you imitated Jesus' example of Good Friday by freely, sincerely and completely giving pardon to your murderer.
How small, in comparison, are those situations in my life where I have refused to be forgiving. Maria, help me to see that it is my own stubbornness, selfish pride, jealousy or hatred which prevents me from reconciling myself with members of my family, friends and, yes, even enemies. Maria, help me to rid myself of these obstacles to love. Let your heroic act of forgiveness constantly remind me to be considerate of others and ready to forgive them if they offend me in any way.
Meditation: Third Glorious Mystery, Descent of the Holy Spirit.
After Jesus' Ascension into Heaven, the Holy Spirit descended upon the
St. Maria, you were a disciple of Jesus, but did not have the opportunity to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Yet the lessons your parents taught you about your faith, God's commandments and prayer, must have been learned very well. When you were asked by Alessandro to give up your virtue of purity, a virtue you knew was Very pleasing to God, you accepted death, rather than displease Him. Surely, the Holy Spirit must have been present to sustain you during that moment of trial.
One Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be, followed by the Daily Novena Prayer to St. Maria Goretti.
“ you ... through Our hands ... all young people will find safe refuge...”
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Let Us Pray
St. Maria Goretti by your twice daily recitation of the Rosary you developed an unwavering devotion to our Blessed Mother. How pleased she must have been with your loyalty to her. Certainly she helped you to resist the challenge to your purity and served as a source of consolation to you during the many hours of suffering you endured before your death. May the love you showed her he our reminder that she is always ready to help us during times of temptation and trial. We only need to pray to her. May your example inspire us to renew our own devotion to Mary so that when the time comes for us to leave this fife, she will be there to lead us into the presence of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all eternity. Amen
Meditation: Fourth Glorious Mystery, The Assumption of Our Blessed Mother Into Heaven.
Mary, the Mother of God, so sorrowful on Good Friday, was now gloriously taken to Heaven to join her son, Jesus, forever. Who can describe or even imagine the happiness she must have felt at that moment? Certainly you can, St. Maria, for the joy your soul experienced in joining both Jesus and Mary in heaven after your martyr's death must have paralleled hers at that earlier reunion. Someday we hope to experience that same joy. TO fulfill that hope, St. Maria, help us to accept our sorrowful Good Fridays knowing that they will be followed by our joyful Easter Sundays.
One Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be.
Meditation: Fifth Glorious Mystery, The Coronation of Mary.
Mary was crowned the Queen of Heaven for accepting the glorious privilege of being the Mother of God. Maria Goretti, you, too, received a crown, the crown of martyrdom which you accepted rather than renouncing your belief in God's plan. May we also accept God's plan, as you did, particularly, His demand for personal purity and forgiveness of our enemies. Then one day we will receive the crown which is waiting for each of us in Heaven, where we will join you and Mary in the company of all the angels and saints singing God's praises forever.
One Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Glory Be, followed by the Daily Novena Prayer to St. Maria Goretti.
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, * God the Son, Redeemer of the world, * God the Holy Spirit, * Holy Trinity, One God, * Holy Mary, ** Holy Mother of God, ** Holy Virgin of virgins, ** Mother of Christ, ** Mother of divine grace, ** Mother most pure, ** Mother most chaste, ** Mother inviolate, ** Mother undefiled, ** Mother most amiable, **** Mother most admirable, ** Mother of good counsel, ** Mother of our Creator, ** Mother of our Savior, ** Virgin most prudent, ** Virgin most venerable, ** Virgin most renowned, ** Virgin most powerful, ** Virgin most merciful, ** Virgin most faithful, ** Mirror of justice, ** Seat of wisdom, ** Cause of our joy, ** Spiritual vessel, ** * Have mercy on us. ** Pray for us. |
Vessel of honor, ** Singular vessel of devotion, ** Mystical rose, ** Tower of David, ** Tower of ivory, ** House of gold,** Ark of the Covenant, ** Gate of Heaven, ** Morning star, ** Health of the sick, ** Refuge of sinners, ** Comforter of the afflicted, ** Help of Christians, ** Queen of Angels, ** Queen of Patriarchs, ** Queen of Prophets, ** Queen of Apostles, ** Queen of Martyrs, ** Queen of Confessors, ** Queen of Virgins, ** Queen of all Saints, ** Queen conceived without original sin, ** Queen assumed into heaven, ** Queen of the most holy Rosary, ** Queen of Peace, ** Lamb of God, You who take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord! Lamb of God, You who take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord! Lamb of God, You who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. |
Grant, we beseech You, O Lord God, that we Your servants, may enjoy lasting health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, be delivered from present sorrow and enter into the joy of eternal happiness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. |