Our duly commissioned Pastoral Council, along with the Pastor, inspires and guides all parish life and activity. Our council operates in an advisory capacity within a very prayerful sharing of skills and ideas. The six committees of our council are: Building and Grounds, Christian Service, Finance, Liturgical, Public Relations, Spiritual Life, and Social.
2022 - 2023 Pastoral Council Members | |
Chairperson | Susan Bechetti |
Building & Grounds Committee | |
Christian Service Committee | Carol Smith |
Finance Committee | Joseph Paciotti |
Liturgical Committee | Michael Imbrogno |
Public Relations Committee | |
Social Committee | |
Spiritual Life Committee | Susan Bechetti |
Pastor | Fr. Alex Roche |
A copy of the By-Laws relating to Pastoral Council is available for review in our Parish Office.
If you are interested in serving on any of our Pastoral Council Committees, please call the contact person listed on the contacts page or call our Parish Office. Annually, we also solicit new members during our sign-up campaign.
Composed of individuals knowledgeable in various disciplines of building and grounds. They plan and implement the maintenance, additions, and renovations of our parish facilities in a way befitting the house and property of God.
The Committee also oversees the following program:
A. Adopt a Highway
In an agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, our parish has "adopted" a two-mile stretch of Laflin Road. Four times a year, committee members and other volunteers pick up roadside litter in order to improve our environment.
This committee oversees and coordinates all parish activities relating to Christian service, providing spiritual and physical resources to those in need.
Related committee activities are:
A. Consolation Group
Offers support and compassion to parishioners suffering the loss of a loved one by attending funeral liturgies and giving other assistance as needed.
B. Greeting Card Group
Expresses the feelings of our parish family through cards of sympathy, get well wishes, congratulations and welcome.
C. Parish Advocate Program
The Parish Advocate sensitizes our parish community to the needs and gifts of parishioners with disabilities and welcomes them and their families into parish life.
D. Pro-Life
E. Visiting Group
Delivers food to the needy, flowers to the homebound, companionship to the lonely, phone calls to offer reassurance, weekly hospital visits, and assistance at the Soup Kitchen.
F. Vocation Team
Encourages parishioners to pray for religious and priestly vocations.
G. Young at Heart Club
Membership is open to all parishioners and non-parishioners 50 years of age and older. Members participate in monthly meetings and a variety of church, community and social activities. The club, under the aegis of Project HEAD - Catholic Social Services, functions autonomously and reports directly to the Pastor.
Responsible for the Educational Program of all parishioners. Religious education provides the tools we need to continue as an evangelizing community.
The committee oversees the following:
A. Adult Education
The ongoing education of adults is fostered throughout the year by lectures, workshops and seminars offered by our parish and our diocese.
B. Baptism instruction
A Baptismal Team welcomes and assists expectant parents in preparing for the baptism of their child. (More information is available in the Sacramental section)
C. Parish Library
Contains a variety of Catholic Educational Reading material available for use by all parishioners. The Library is open on weekends. Donations are aIways weIcome and can be made by calling the Parish Office.
D. Pre-Cana
A team who assists our engaged couples prepare for marriage.
E. Religious Education Teachers
Volunteers who accept the challenge of teaching our Catholic faith to our young from pre-school through twelfth grade.
F. Rite of Christian initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Implemented by a team assisting those seeking formal membership into the Catholic faith. They guide candidates and catechumens as they prepare for reception into our church community at our annual Easter Vigil liturgy.
G. Saint Maria Goretti Merit Award
An annual award given to one of our graduating High School Seniors, who is selected in accordance with the award By-Laws.
Various ministries, educational, social, recreational and service activities provided for youth involvement in our parish life. Donations are always welcome and can be made at anytime. They will be used for promoting our numerous youth activities.
Other services of the Spiritual Life committee include:
A. Adult and Children Altar Servers
Adult men, teens, and children who assist the celebrant presiding at our liturgies. They enhance Mass through the prayerful performance of their duties at the altar.
B. Adult and Children's Choir
They glorify the spirit of worship at our liturgies through joyful song.
C. Cantors
Inspire and guide our parish family in song during liturgies. Their message is, "Those who sing pray twice".
D. Eucharistic Ministers
Administer Holy Communion during all liturgies and to our homebound parishioners.
E. Lectors
Men, women, and young adults who prayerfully proclaim the Word of the Lord at all liturgies.
F. Liturgical Planners
Plan and implement the various liturgies for our parish. Through ongoing formation and education, they present prayerful, welcoming liturgies for our parish.
G. Ministers of Hospitality
Adults and teens who greet everyone attending our liturgies. They help foster a sense of family and community, and are a sign of our truly welcoming church.
H. Sacristans
Prepare our church and altar for the celebration of the Eucharist.
This committee, regulated by Canon Law, counsels our Pastor on the administration of parish finances. The primary goal of the committee is to foster conscientious stewardship.
The committee coordinates the following groups:
A. The Budget Committee
Members of the Finance Committee prepare the annual budget.
B. Collection Counters
Count the weekly sacrificial offerings from our parishioners.
This committee brings our parish family together for recreation, social activities, and fund-raising. Through such events as our Art Auction, Designer Bingo, Festival, Pasta Dinners, Harvest Tea, Night At The Races, Various Trips, and Christmas and Easter activities for our children, the committee fosters an atmosphere of fellowship, friendship, cooperation and unity.